Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best Film of 2009 by Meinte

The question is ofcourse 'What is the best film of 2009'? Well I have seen a lot and there were quite a few good ones. Keira Knightley starred in 'The Duchess', she was present in every scene. Clint Eastwood did it again with Gran Torino, there probably is no one else who can play a grumpy old man as he does. There was Distict 9, the South-African film which was a science-fiction one but at the same time a interesting story about the Apartheid. The first half was a bit more interesting than the second part though, when it all exploded in action.

In the animation sector there was Japanese 'Ponyo by the living master Hiyao Miyazaki, a enchanting (bit childish) story about a fish who wanted to become human.
Second best was probably a French/South-Korean co-production 'A Brand new Life' which is about a girl who is being left at a catholic orphanage by her dad. This film is just fantastisc, the young girl acted wonderful, she seems to be capable of showing many emotions already.
Last but not least.... the best film of 2009 is 'Let the Right One In'! A Swedish film about the loneliness of a 12 year old boy. It all changes when he meets a interesting but Mysterious girl...she doesn't seem to be human. The cinematography is great, it all takes place in a snowy world were daily life and horror seems to be intertwined.